Kiss G.



Motivation for both students and teachers is the key factor in today’s education, no matter the level. This Erasmus teacher training course provides new and innovative motivation strategies, methods and skills for teachers of various subjects to help them encourage students to fully exploit their potential and pursue their education  (preventing early school leaving).

Foster Fun And Collaborative Clasroom Environment

Create a fun environment in your classroom and engage all learning styles with drama.
Energize your classroom with games that promote collaboration, creativity and communication since developing soft skills is crucial for education and increasing level of employability in the future.
Explore various teaching techniques and spark your students’ imagination with storytelling. Make your lessons attractive, innovative and creative. Gain knowledge of project-based learning and make your classroom inclusive and student-centered.

Acquire Knowledge Of Modern ICT Tools

Our experienced Erasmus teacher trainers will help you to bring your classroom into the digital era. Implement new technologies and technological tools into your classroom, start using Web Platforms, Social Media, digital games and quizzes. 

Learning outcomes – Participant is going to acquire the following competences:

  • Get inspired for their own work with new motivation strategies
  • Gain knowledge of e-learning solutions to motivate students
  • Inspire students to pursue their education and prevent early school leaving
  • Manage different teaching strategies and developing critical thinking and problem solving skills.
  • Learn new skills and tools for teaching various subjects
  • Acquire knowledge of e-learning solutions


2023. augusztus 20-26. között vettem részt Splitben, Horvátországban egy nemzetközi tanártovábbképzésen Erasmus+ pályázat keretében. A módszertani képzés célja motivációs stratégiáink fejlesztése volt.

A Canva segítségével készítettem el prezentációmat, amely az alábbi linken érhető el:


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